Daily Sharing

Friday, February 13, 2009

Good morning dear and blessed friends. May each of your moments be filled with ‘images’ and possibilities. Happy Birthday wishes to my very dear friend, Cathy Sue Sagerser. Because of this being her birthday I thought of the word Imagine. Cathy is one of the greatest manifestor’s I know. She thinks of it and before you know it she has created it. Cathy is also the creator of the ‘story bracelets’ so many of us were. www.beadbeautiful.com

Today’s word: “Imagine”

Imagine: Picture, Conceive of, Visualize, Envision, Foresee, Foretell

Imagination produces mental imagery, visual and otherwise, which is what makes it possible for us to think outside the confines of our present perceptual reality, to consider memories of the past and possibilities for the future, and to weigh alternatives against one another. Thus, imagination makes possible all our thinking about what is, what has been, and, perhaps most important, what might be.

"Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly." -- Lauren Bacall

My friends, I find that oftentimes in the course of a day our minds seem to command our thought processes without any effort from us. It seems to go on automatic pilot and controls us from the continuous input we have stored within it. It sets its course and we follow it from old habits. Have you gotten in your car to go to work and found yourself there without remembering the drive? Have you reacted to situations over and over again in the same way? Our thoughts and the energy we give them impress upon our psyche the outcome we wish and mirror it back to us.


What a powerful tool Imagination is. With it we can re-conceive and re-create ourselves. When we hold a picture in our mind of what we want our life journey to look like and begin to create a story around that picture and hold it in an every day vision, it begins to manifest that desire. I know that in order to change a habit or create something new it takes 21 days. 21 days of holding that picture, that vision and keeping it ever present in your daily thoughts and doing something each day to reinforce that vision is what creates the changes you wish. To truly be effective your picture or your thoughts must be nurtured toward that end.

"We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our

imagination of ourselves. The greatest tragedy that can

befall us is to go unimagined." -- N. Scott Momaday

Would you be willing to take a 21 day journey by thinking a thought of what you desire, by creating a visual picture in your mind and ‘imagine’ yourself having it? Possibly you might begin today and mark your calendar and each day give that picture life be seeing yourself in it; if it is a vehicle you want, see yourself driving it; if it is a new job see yourself writing a deposit slip with the amount of monies you desire; if it is a new relationship see yourself with someone who is compatible with you and your passion for life, make it real. In the word ‘attraction’ is the word ‘action’ and that is what one must do in order to bring life to that which you desire.

If you feel so inclined please share your vision with us. In that way we, as a group can hold one another’s vision in a good and caring way.






Self-improvement begins with self-acceptance.