February 10, 2009 - Sharing from Shirley & The Awakening Process

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good morning dear friends, today’s sharing comes from Charlie Sommer. Happy Birthday wishes to my good friend Mei Lan.

The Door You Alone Can Open

What prompted today’s article was the feed back I got from my last article on how “stinking thinking” negatively, and naively keep us from expressing our full potential. Here is what this person shared:

“Years ago in a conversation with my two sisters, one who had at least 25 operations to cut away pieces of her emotional pain and my other sister who kept telling us her heart was broken and then had three bypass operations, I said to them that I was disconnecting from the family DNA and the belief that I would get ill. I told them I had no room in my life and body for dis-ease of any kind.”

Most of us unwittingly repeat the old pattern that have been past on from one generation to another and we get the same toxic results in our ill health, whether it be mental, emotional or interpersonal. The old cliché,” if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten’ applies here. When we continually get the same result from faulty beliefs we become less active, depressed and hopeless.

Here is one of the pit falls: Most of us tend to blame others or even God for allowing bad things to happen to us or other “good” people. We get down on ourselves or others. When we blame, shame and criticize too harshly our thought become toxic. We metaphorically become like a shut-in. It definitely impacts our health. Our mode of being in the world becomes restrictive. This is because we do not understand the impact of our “stinking thinking”.

What does it take to open the door, to change our beliefs, to place our faith in something greater than we are that unlocks the door and heals us form the impact of our ‘stinking thinking”?

There is a door that each of us can open on our own. It is an inside job that happens through us. Life is a process of learning to have faith in something Greater than we are and that will change our life according to our beliefs and thinking patterns. This thing that is Greater than we are is the Source of inspirational living. Call Source what you want or give it no name. It is our essential nature and it is all pervasive. We can learn to seek It’s resemblance within ourselves. What It does and how It works can be understood.

On of the most recent inspirational works that I have read is number one on the New York Times Best Seller List. As one writer put it: “The Shack is spiritually profound, theologically enlighten and life impacting.” It is a fictional story of transformation that leads to conversation with God that is humorous and thought provoking. Some grueling questions are answered so profoundly that they give us pause to view our own “stinking thinking” and to change our mode of being in the world.

In his book, “Just like opening windows, just like opening doors” the author Wm. Paul Young takes us on a journey that teaches the meaning of John Denver’s Lyrics: “My heart to yours, your heart to mine.” Another word for that is Namaste!








"Self-improvement begins with self-acceptance.