Winding Curves!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The road is long, with many a winding curves, leading to who knows where!
I remember a song with those lyrics! "He ain't heavy - he's my brother.

On this journey ~ we encounter many labels or boxes others place on us through their perception of who we are, we place on ourselves and even the community in which we live places labels upon us for what they believe we are.

I wonder what defines us? When I began this journey, at a conscious level, many years ago ~ I slowly learned that someone's perspective of who I am and the truth may be incongruent. Instead of relying upon the assessment of others or comparing my insides to the outside appearance of someone else I was introduced to a more reliable barometer.

Measuring my authenticity was the goal. This was the process I practiced then and continue to do so today. Upon awakening, reflecting what is my day filled with and how did I want to show up, what type of energy do I want to convey? Then upon retiring at night I review my day for consistency with action, word and my thoughts. I reflect upon what worked and contemplated the areas of life I can improve upon.

The lesson I have learned is that the only competition in life is with me. When using past behavior with present actions I can identifying my progress and continue to improve. The goal is to have internal desires, intentions and thoughts be reflected in my external actions and responses to the curves in road on this journey!

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
annie loyd