February 9, 2009 - Sharing from Shirley & The Awakening Process

Monday, February 9, 2009

Good morning dear friends. May you feel inspired to reach for the stars, grab the brass ring, take the leap of faith and live fully and freely. My friends, today’s sharing comes from my good friend Lianne and myself.

Today’s word: Band-Aid

Band aid: Tie up, Cover, Bridge, Holding something together, Temporary Answer

Lianne and I got into a discussion on band-aids a few days ago. It was on how we as human beings use band-aids to help us thru relationships, and even everyday issues. If you type relationship band-aids into Google you get 14,700 articles on that subject…scary isn’t it?

We were pondering the effects of using band-aids on a relationship after the fact. So often I find that we have a relationship that is sinking and we put a band-aid on it hoping that the other person may forget about it or it will just go away if it is ignored. Then one day everything falls apart and we do not understand why. We think that it is because of something that just happened when in truth the wound began to fester long ago. Ignoring it is only a temporary fix and if we had paid attention and done something when we noticed the wound the first time, we would not be having to do surgery now or have the relationship come to an end. Like a boil it began to build and build until it erupted. Oftentimes it leaves a deep scar that stays with us it seems forever.

If you put a band-aid on a sore or wound time and time again, the wound/sore never heals. It needs air to breathe as well as medical attention if the source is something within us. If you leave the band-aid on a finger it shrivels our skin and sometimes never lets the real sore get better. The same is true with relationships that are failing and we try to shore them up with promises, Cards, flowers, and gifts. These are nothing more than band-aids as well. If you use these to make the relationship better and never get to the root cause of the problem, the real issue/s will never go away.

Have you used band-aids in your relationships, if so in what way?

I, Lianne, have used rationalization a ton! I have used “I am sorry” band-aids when it was not even my fault. I have used money as a band-aid. I have read books, gone to workshops to try and heal a relationship. More band-aids…..

Have we learned something from all of this? Absolutely…..we need to be true to ourselves and speak our truth, communicate honestly. If the relationship was meant to be, it would be but only after truth, honesty and true communication happens. Not band-aids!!!!

You can surely see how excited we are over this concept, thanks, Lianne and Shirley.




"Self-improvement begins with self-acceptance.