
Sunday, February 8, 2009

The journey has shifted. Beginning yesterday morning when I awoke with the anticipation of the coming rain I felt excited. Last night when it began to rain I jumped out of bed, went outside and a smile came across my face like that of a child. I felt peace, serenity, calm and compassion. My feelings came from deep within me, I felt grounded to the earth, and connected to the stars and the universe.

This morning I awoke with a smile, feeling excited to great the new day. I wandered about experiencing this new day and as I did my morning meditation a new creative energy circulated throughout me. Feelings of integration, of intermingling with all around me and within me filled the muscles and bones of my body. The pumping of my blood was intertwined with the flow of the water - the flow of energy throughout all dimensions.

I continue to envision the new wondering and dreaming - What do the new ceremonies look like, feel like? What is the experience of this inauguration of the new? What are the colors, the sounds and the pictures.

Rain is the cleansing the washing away of the old. It prepares the way for the new. The rain is cleansing and nurturing. This is the time of our personal inauguration of the new. What will be our celebrations. How will include and share this will others. How will we document our experiences?

The rain offers the beauty of a fresh and new beginning. In combination with the rising of the full moon we have all within us and around us for our dreams to take their form and be birthed.