Today’s sharing: Fill In

Monday, February 16, 2009

Good morning dear friends may your day be filled with the opportunity to show up and allow Creator use you to ‘fill in’ and further its love for humanity.

Happy Birthday to my granddaughter Cassidy and my great friend Terri Mansfield.

Today’s sharing: Fill In

This past Saturday here in AZ a group of us came together for what we call: AZ Embrace. We gather to create a circle of love at our State Capitol, evoking prayers to envision the year as one of peace, prosperity, transpartisanship, and cooperation for all elected officials, constituents, and all Arizonans.

Early in the morning I spoke with my friend Annie Loyd, one of the sponsors. In the course of our conversation Annie asked me if I would be willing to step in and say a prayer if Uqualla, a Havasupai spiritual leader, was unable to make it. I said I would be happy to be a ‘fill in’ if the need arised and told Annie that I meant this not as a quip, a wittiscism, a retort or clever remark, it was said as a genuine response should the need arrive.

It came to me at the moment I used those words, ‘fill-in’, as a reminder that God, Creator, Spirit, Great Spirit, Allah, in whatever name we have come to embrace its essence of love for us, fashioned us to be ‘fill-ins’ and represent its love in the physical. I would ask you to think on this, ‘how many times has someone said you were an answer to their prayer?’, how many times have you prayed for a sign and a friend calls you? I believe and this is only a Shirleyism and my take on this, that our life’s journey may not fit into the norm of our birth-family of origin, or society in general, and yet so that one does not get discouraged, the one we pray to for comfort, for acceptance and for succor, places others in our path that recognize, feel or think like us and it gives us hope and faith that we are not alone. I believe there is someone out there for each of us that reflects God’s presence to us, most often it may just be to look into a mirror and see it in ourself.

There are those of us who find that sense of oneness with their animals, within nature, in the written word, or within the compassion of someone’s story that matches our own. They are a moment by moment reminder that we are not alone, that our prayers are answered and that we are all here to ‘fill in’ wherever and whenever we feel or hear a need.

So my dear friends, ‘we are not alone’, we have each other and we have the love that fashioned us in attendace 24/7 and all we need to do is to show up and step up into whatever manner or mode we need to hold the energy for another, for our community, for our world. The gifts and talents we are endowed with, and the passion we have to share them, brings us together into communion with one an other and we drink from that cup of love and find peace.



"Self-improvement begins with self-acceptance.